Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just thought you might want to know...

Minnesota SU has just informed me that I'm an "inspiration" (yes, they actually said that) because of my "high school performance". Obviously they didn't see my grades from freshman year...

Montana SU sent me an email titled "You're quite unique". It went on to say "...and so is Montana State University, Kara! In fact, MSU is the only top-tier Carnegie research school in a 5-state region. That ranks us alongside Harvard, University of Washington and University of Colorado!"

A five-state region. Impressive. (Scoff)


  1. Well they are prestigious schools-- or Harvard is, at least. Why are you getting all these emails? I don't think I ever had emails from schools-- of course, I know I'm not quite as worth the effort, but still, you seem to be getting a whole lot of spammy letters meant to impress. ??

  2. It's the new recruiting gimmick. I got about 16 a day my senior year!

  3. Yeah...and I went to a college fair at which many colleges got my info. That didn't help at all......
