Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Prologue

The FYI: I'm ditching my old blog. It's lived to the ripe old age of "since seventh grade", so I think it's time that I put it out to cyber-pasture. And because the last time I posted on it was in March, when I was still fretting over my great big massive English project (that I got a high B on!) and some pieces that I was accompanying for District Music Festival. This is my new blog for which I had to create a new email because I've already put one on my old email (which, coincidentally, I've also had since seventh grade). Hunkydoryducky is about the coolest email username ever, even though I don't really plan on using it for anything except to be notified of yonder blog comments (ahem). But I digress, because it's fun to do, and just a cool word in general.

So now, to get everyone up to speed:

I have eleven weeks and three days until liberation from high school (I think that's pretty sweet). Those eleven weeks and three days will consist of (in order of a typical day's events):
It's called the super easy schedule of a senior. I love it.

I work at Pickle Barrel and come home every Tuesday night smelling like some sort of pretty unsavory food. Usually it's onions. Today it was mushroom juice. Yum.

I also work at a ranch a couple days a week. Except I don't get paid for it (besides riding lessons, when there's time), so it doesn't really count.

As of a couple months ago, I was going to go to U. Idaho in Moscow for English and/or music.

As of today, I'm looking into going to school in Colorado to be a vet, which will hopefully include a bachelor's in Equine Studies before I head off to the actual vet school. We'll see.

Now that you're all caught up, we'll start in with the real stuff.

'Round about Wednesday of last week, I went in to P.B. (the abbreviation that will henceforth stand for Pickle Barrel...I get tired of writing it out) to request today off of work so I could go sing in our first choir concert. You'll notice that I have two choirs listed in my schedule. Well I've also got a before-school choir. That's three. And then I also signed up (as our school's only cellist) to cell for a Women's choir piece. It obviously wasn't something I could miss. As I was putting it up, Boss Lady (hereafter abbreviated B.L. [You ever wonder why abbreviation is such a long word? It seems kinda contradictory or antiproductive or something. Those great grammar gods in the sky must've had an off day. Or they've got some messed up sense of humor]) told me that if no one would volunteer, then she would cover it for me. I didn't hear anything else about it until I went in today to see what the situation was. Turns out that no one wanted to spend their Tuesday afternoon covering my shift so I called up B.L.

Wires had gotten crossed, and she was prepared to work for me on Thursday, not Tuesday, so could I please just work 'til five?

I ended up going to my concert smelling like mushroom juice.

The concert actually went pretty well. The Awakening gives me chills every time, and the Neighbor's Chorus went over pretty well. (Neither of those links is us, btw. I wish we had a full orchestra accompanying us...).

And in other news, I'm looking at a mare that I really would love to buy. Huzzah for CraigsList. Dunno yet if I'll get her, but she's actually in my price range, so I'm crossing some fingers.

We're making Chinese take-out boxes in sewing. Thought you might want to know.

It's cold outside.

I'm hungry.

Bed is sounding like a very plausible option.

Two muffins are sitting in the oven.
One turns to the other and says, "Boy, it sure it hot in here!"
The other replies, "OH MY GOSH A TALKING MUFFIN!"

Ha. That's right. I just killed your I.Q.

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