Sunday, October 24, 2010

The one where my wallet gets much lighter.

Today I bought a horse.

That explains the title pretty sufficiently, methinks...

I'm still working on a name (the old owners called her Cracker. That's obviously out). I'm thinking Liberty (Libby for short) because we definitely liberated her from a not very nice place. Maybe Deuce. I dunno. I shall post a pic, and there shall be much commenting and name suggestions, I hope.

Other news...I have been working with Sir Fynnagin (It's really just Fynn, but Sir Fynnagin sounds much more suave, and heaven knows he could use some help in the suave department lol) on manners and general training. Step two was begun yesterday, which included getting him used to a saddle blanket and putting a surcingle (which is really just a belt for horses) on to prepare him for a girth. It seriously only took about fifteen minutes for the whole process. It was pretty stinking cool. After five minutes he was walking with the pad on his back. It took a minute and a half to get the surcingle on, and then a couple minutes walking around, and a few more standing tied with it on. And this is a two-year-old horse that has never had anything on his back before. Sah-WEET!

I was pretty excited.

I've decided I'm also going to teach him how to drink out of a waterbottle too. He almost did yesterday. He got pushy when he smelled my water so I dumped some into my hand for him and, I kid you not, he lapped it up. So I held the waterbottle over my hand and kept pouring it as he drank. Eventually he tried to just grab it for himself. I bet he could learn how to drink it himself. It'd be pretty cool. Maybe I'll teach him a bunch of tricks and turn him into a stunt horse. Teehee.

Four day weekend will be over in a matter of hours. I'm off to go do all the lazy stuff that I should've been doing for the last 96 hours. Instead, I've been working. Where on earth are my priorities?

This is the afore-mentioned honey pie. Any name suggestions?


  1. Daphne. Shawna wouldn't name her dog Daphne, so now you have to name your horse Daphne. Does that name just not have a whole truck load of character? You can call her Daffy for short on days when she's acting like Saoirse.

  2. If you call her Deuce, everytime you say her name I'll think "What the Deuce???!" So thats out. lol Name her Gussie. She needs an old lady name with her stockings :D

  3. DEFinitely not Gussie. Sorry, dear, but that's out too lol.

    Kirstyn, you can get a goldfish and name it Daphne =) Or a duck if you really wanna call it Daffy. I'm thinkin' no for a horse...
