Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The one where I really dig my moccasins even though I've made fun of other people who own them.

The title pretty much says it.

They're so much fun. And comfy. And kinda dangerous, because they have no tread of which to speak. But that's what makes them fun, seeing as our entire school has linolium flooring. Oooh yes. They're better than the Ugs as far as sliding down the hallways goes. Try it sometime. You won't be disappointed.

So I had a Word Clues test today. I was pretty sure I was going to fail it, because even though I took my notebook (containing all 453 words) to work before my concert last night to study, it stands to reason that i didn't look at it once while I was there. So this morning I was going to study during choir...and realized that I left Mr. Notebook at home. So I borrowed someone's note cards and mananged to go over about a hundred words before the bell rang. By some crazy twist of fate, the words I studied happened to be the ones on the test, so I think I actually aced it. The only word that gave me any problems was "monocline". I took a wild guess, and it actually turned out to be right, which was actually a huge shocker. I *never* guess things right. I guess on scantrons because I hate to leave a row without a bubble filled in, but it very rarely does me any good.

I don't have school for the rest of the week! Some sort of teacher conventions. You know what I'm doing instead? WORKING! At the ranch and P.B. And I'm going to go see Cracker (the mare I mentioned last time...methinks the first order of business if I buy her will be to rename her. Seriously. She's not even white.) Sunday afternoon. Pretty exciting!

I am now considered an Advantage Candidate by Minnesota State Univ., and a Top Prospect by Westminster College in Utah. That's nice to know.
"Opportunity is missed by most because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work."
~Thomas Edison

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